Subject: TAROTESE: V1.0 Tarot Assistant Author: Bradford A. Younie Uploaded By: BradYounie Date: 12/17/1995 File: TAROTESE.ZIP (208747 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33221 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 4776 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, VBRUN300.DLL & Windows 3.1 Keywords: Younie, Meaning, Help, Reference, Interpretation, Evaluation, Occult, Card, VB, Win31 Type: Shareware This file requires VBRUN300.DLL (Visual Basic Runtime). To find it, type VBRUN on the search form that comes up when you click the Software Search icon. This program will NOT work with VBRUN100.DLL or VBRUN200.DLL. Uploaded by the author. This program is not a tarot card reader. It does not deal cards and read them for you. What it does is offer meanings for each card so that when you deal your own tarot cards and draw up a blank, you will have a source for finding the meanings of your spread. This could also be used as an aid to learning the tarot. Just remember that a good tarot reader will use his/her psychic impressions to interpret the cards rather than my program. However, my program can assist you in during the learning process as something to "fall back on" during those hard formative times. Features include: - Change/Create your own card meaning files - Change/Create names for each suit - Stay on top - Space saving menu or toolbar To install, after decompressing, RUN the included SETUP.EXE. Documentation: README.TXT plus online Help